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External Training Courses

This catalogue contains a selection of training courses covering fundamental aspects of clinical research, curated by the SNIP-AFRICA Consortium. Please note that all listed courses are free and hosted on external platforms. Some of the courses are general and can be audited by all learners while other are specific and meant to be audited by specific professionals.



Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines in...
1 Lecture
18 hours

Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview

This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines in...
1 Lecture
18 hours

Introduction To Clinical Research

This course provides an introductory overview aimed at everyone involved in clinical research and focuses on the main areas of ...
1 Lecture
1 hour

Packing and Shipping Dangerous Goods: What the Laboratory Staff Must Know

The goal of this course is to provide training on packing and shipping Division 6.2 infectious substances and dry ice.
1 Lecture
4 hours

Fundamentals of Working Safely in a Biological Safety Cabinet

This basic-level eLearning course module provides information on the safe use of Class II biological safety cabinets.
1 Lecture
3 hours

Standard precautions: Waste management

In this course, you will learn about the different categories of waste and the process for waste management.
1 Lecture
1 hour

Standard precautions: The role of personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is specialized clothing worn by healthcare personnel (HCP) for protection against infectiou...
1 Lecture
1 hour

Analysis and Interpretation of Large-Scale Programs

This course is for implementers, managers, funders, and evaluators of health programs targeting women and children in low- and ...
1 Lecture
21 hours

Evaluating Large-Scale Health Programs Specialization

This specialization teaches learners how to plan and implement effectiveness evaluations of large-scale health programs.
1 Lecture
72 hours