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External Training Courses

This catalogue contains a selection of training courses covering fundamental aspects of clinical research, curated by the SNIP-AFRICA Consortium. Please note that all listed courses are free and hosted on external platforms. Some of the courses are general and can be audited by all learners while other are specific and meant to be audited by specific professionals.



Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases

This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines in...
1 Lecture
18 hours

Global Health: An Interdisciplinary Overview

This course proposes an overview of current global health challenges drawing on the insights of several academic disciplines in...
1 Lecture
18 hours

Introduction To Clinical Research

This course provides an introductory overview aimed at everyone involved in clinical research and focuses on the main areas of ...
1 Lecture
1 hour

The Research Question

This short course is aimed at all those carrying out clinical research and explores the main factors which affect and influence...
1 Lecture
2 hours

The Study Protocol

This course is designed to guide researchers through the basic stages and concepts surrounding the creation of a protocol.
1 Lecture
3 hours

Tools for Scientific Dissemination

This course is intended to help the reader plan and execute scientific advertising activities in different formats and by targe...
1 Lecture
15 hours

Scientific Publication

The aim of this course is to present a set of guidelines that can assist the process of preparation and publishing scientific a...
1 Lecture
4 hours

CREDO - Rapid 'Evidence Needs' Appraisal

The CREDO Rapid ‘Evidence Needs’ Appraisal Module should help you to learn about the conduct of a rapid appraisal of evidence n...
1 Lecture
5 hours

CREDO - Logistical and Operational Planning

This CREDO Logistical and Operational Planning module provides some pragmatic solutions for common logistical and operational h...
1 Lecture
2 hours