SNIP-AFRICA ( is a partnership of 12 African and European institutions, funded by the Global Health EDCTP3, and coordinated by Fondazione Penta ETS (Italy) and City St George’s, University of London (United Kingdom). It aims to improve the treatment of severe infection and sepsis in newborns in sub-Saharan African countries, where antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing concern.
What is the training platform?
The SNIP-AFRICA Training Platform is a learning platform that has been built to host in-house developed courses focused on neonatal sepsis and several other external training courses.
Who manages it?
The platform is managed by a team at the KNUST responsible for the Training & Capacity Building Work Package of the SNIP-AFRICA Consortium
Who are these courses meant for?
The courses are meant to build the capacity of all staff participating in the SNIP-AFRICA project on the conduct of biomedical research and the management of research focused on neonatal sepsis.
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